The Genesis Visual Hook Guide, developed for myself, released to the public, originally was just a sample functions.php file I used to test snippets for Genesis, however it quickly grew to more than that.
At first, the Hook Guide was just a series of images that I snapped of an early version of what it is now. These images quickly became a useful tool to many of the developers just learning and figuring out Genesis and all of its hooks.
Following the images I shared, I created a single template on this site, that outputted the hooks, and added the ability to see the main wrapping divs visually, as well as filterable text. Being a single template file however, it was limited as you could only view the hooks in the hacked up page template I created.
During a clean up of code I ported the main features of the template to a plugin that can be installed on any Genesis Theme site. This allows the hooks and filters to be viewed in the your theme may it be the sample child theme, Lifestyle, Prose, or a custom theme build.
So today, I want to welcome version 2.5 of the Visual Hook Guide as a part of the revamp of that will be happening over the next few weeks (more info on this to come soon). I have built the visual hook guide to be a full functional site, with many new features and updates to it coming down the road. The guide has also been update to the latest version of the Genesis sample child theme, so, yes, it is responsive. Go check it out, click around. Some features of it may be buggy for the next few days, it was originally built as only a single template, but please let me know of any issues you come across and I’ll try my best to quickly fix them.
Great tutorial 😀 At first, I can’t imagine where these hooks located. Now, it seems easier than ever